Influenza Updates
Flu Shots: Available October through February
Faculty and Staff: Schedule an appointment online with the SHAC Pharmacy.
UNM students: Call SHAC at (505) 277-3136 to schedule an appointment for a flu shot at the SHAC Clinic.
Cost: FREE for students that are registered for 4 or more credit hours and/or have paid their SHAC Eligibility and Wellness Fee.
#Take One for Raymond: SHAC dedicates their annual flu shots in memory of UNM student Raymond Plotkin, who passed away from the H1N1 virus in 2009.
Additional Flu Shot Options
UNM Faculty / Staff - by Appointment Only:
Employee Occupational Health Services (EOHS), Family Practice Center, 2400 Tucker NE: EOHS will give free flu shots to UNM/HSC staff. Call EOHS at (505) 272-8043.
LoboCare Clinic, 1101 Medical Arts Ave. NE, Bldg 4, Suite A. Employees and dependents enrolled in a UNM or UNMH employer-sponsored health plan are eligible to participate in the LoboCare Network. Call (505) 272-3935 to schedule an appointment for a free flu shot.
For staff / faculty who are 65 years or older: Consider receiving a high-dose vaccine, which is recommended by the CDC. The SHAC Pharmacy as well as other pharmacies carry the high-dose vaccine.
- New Mexico Department of Health:
The NM Department of Health offers vaccinations for people without insurance or who are otherwise not able to get vaccinated. For information on locations in your area, visit the Public Health Offices page. Or, call the Immunization Hotline at 1-800-280-1618 (option 4).
- CDC Flu Vaccine Finder: Find a local pharmacy near you that offers flu shots.
- Many local pharmacies and/or your primary care provider may have flu shots available.
COVID-19 Vaccine:
- SHAC Pharmacy for Students, Staff & Faculty
- Bringing Back the Pack - Vaccine Information for UNM Community
- COVID-19 Vaccine Registration System - NM Dept of Health
Protecting Yourself and Others This Flu Season
Similarities and Differences between Flu and COVID-19 - CDC
Healthy Habits to Help Prevent Flu - CDC
Fight Germs. Wash Your Hands! Video
Protocol - When Making an Appointment to Be Seen at SHAC:
- Call SHAC at (505) 277-3136 before coming to the clinic and/or scheduling an appointment.
- Identify yourself as having flu-like symptoms (e.g., fever, cough, runny nose).
See also:
- UNM Coronavirus Webpage
- NM Department of Health Coronavirus Webpage
- FAQs: Influenza - CDC
- FAQs: Cold vs. Flu - CDC
- FAQs: Novel Coronavirus - CDC
- Influenza Informational Handout for UNM Dorm Students
Do you have questions or concerns about the flu? Call UNM Student Health & Counseling at (505) 277-3136.

"Take One for Raymond" Flu Shot & Scholarship Initiative
UNM SHAC dedicates their annual flu shot clinics in memory of UNM student Raymond Plotkin, who passed away from the H1N1 virus in 2009.
Raymond’s parents established the “Take One for Raymond” Initiative and Scholarship program to encourage everyone to get their seasonal flu shots.
Click here for more information.