Study Abroad in Peru - Once in a Lifetime Experience
July 28, 2022 - Tiffany Martinez-Durant
Immersed in the Peruvian culture, amidst the Andes Mountains, and in the heart of the Incan past, this study abroad experience in June 2022 was nothing short of amazing! The experiences of this trip were endless. Whether we were learning Spanish by morning, giving back to the community by afternoon, and filling our tastebuds by night, a new way of life unveiled before our eyes. From watching Peru take on Australia in a soccer match, to walking the paths of the Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, and Rainbow Mountain, to making a difference in the life of children, this program not only allowed us to blossom as scholars, but as people, too! Take a ride with us on our journey!
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For more info, see UNM Study Abroad - Spanish Language & Peruvian Cuisine.
Story by Tiffany Martinez-Durant, SHAC Education and Outreach Manager