Phone, Mail & E-Mail

Phone Numbers

Phone Directory
General Information & Appointments(505) 277-3136
Fax(505) 277-2020
Emergencies, After-Hours Options (Resource List)
SHAC After-Hours
Medical: On-Call Service Regarding Students Only(505) 277-3136; Option #2
Counseling: On-Call Service Regarding Students Only(505) 277-3136; Option #3
Other Important Numbers
Campus Police(505) 277-2241
COSAP - Campus Office of Substance Abuse Prevention(505) 277-2795
UNM Hospitals(505) 272-2411
UNM Psychiatric Center(505) 272-2800

Mail - US Postal Address

UNM Student Health & Counseling (SHAC)
MSC06 3870
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque NM 87131-0001

Shipping Address

The University of New Mexico
Student Health & Counseling (SHAC)
Bldg. 73
Albuquerque NM 87131-0001


Electronic mail is NOT a secure medium of communication.

We cannot reply to confidential health questions OR requests to schedule appointments.

Secure Messaging

UNM Students may access the SHAC Health Portal, a web-based portal for secure messaging between SHAC patients and providers.

Appointment Scheduling

Call SHAC at (505) 277-3136.

See also: