Location, Parking & Hours
SHAC Services & Hours
SHAC offers all regular services (including telehealth and in-person visits). Fees may apply for telehealth services.
Call (505) 277-3136 to schedule an appointment. A mask is required upon entering SHAC.
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday: 800 AM-5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
SHAC Phone: (505) 277-3136 | After-Hours: Medical-Option 2 and Counseling-Option 3
See also: SHAC After-Hours Options
- May 27, 2024: SHAC will be closed for Memorial Day.
- June 19, 2024: SHAC will be closed for Juneteenth.
- July 4, 2024: SHAC will be closed for Independence Day.
- Hours are subject to change. SHAC is closed on all official UNM holidays as well as UNM closures due to inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances. For campus updates / cancellations, call (505) 277-SNOW (277-7669) or visit the UNM main web site. See also UNM Lobo Alerts and SHAC After-Hours Options.
For information or to schedule an appointment, call SHAC at (505) 277-3136.
Student Health & Counseling (SHAC) is on main campus north of Johnson Center and across the mall from (east of) the Student Union Building (SUB).
Note: SHAC (formerly known as the Student Health Center) is building #73 on the UNM Campus Map.
Limited patient parking is available behind SHAC. Students can obtain parking permits from the Reception Area or the Pharmacy.