Location, Parking & Hours

SHAC Services & Hours

SHAC offers all regular services (including telehealth and in-person visits). Fees may apply for telehealth services.

Call (505) 277-3136 to schedule an appointment. A mask is required upon entering SHAC. 

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday: 800 AM-5:00 PM

Tuesday: 9:00 AM-5:00 PM

SHAC Phone: (505) 277-3136  |  After-Hours: Medical-Option 2 and Counseling-Option 3

See also: SHAC After-Hours Options


  • May 27, 2024: SHAC will be closed for Memorial Day.
  • June 19, 2024: SHAC will be closed for Juneteenth.
  • July 4, 2024: SHAC will be closed for Independence Day.
  • Hours are subject to change. SHAC is closed on all official UNM holidays as well as UNM closures due to inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances. For campus updates / cancellations, call (505) 277-SNOW (277-7669) or visit the UNM main web site. See also UNM Lobo Alerts and SHAC After-Hours Options.

For information or to schedule an appointment, call SHAC at (505) 277-3136.


Student Health & Counseling (SHAC) is on main campus north of Johnson Center and across the mall from (east of) the Student Union Building (SUB).

Note: SHAC (formerly known as the Student Health Center) is building #73 on the UNM Campus Map.


Limited patient parking is available behind SHAC. Students can obtain parking permits from the Reception Area or the Pharmacy.

Map of where SHAC is located on Main Campus (north of Johnson Center and east of the SUB).