Photo: Dulce  Cervantes Montalvo, Licensed Massage Therapist

Dulce Cervantes Montalvo, Licensed Massage Therapist


    • BA in Spanish at UNM, and Massage Therapy at Carrington College.


    • Certified Kinesio Taping Technician, Holistic Nutritionist & Holistic Wellness Coach, Shinpiden Reiki


    • Honestly, just going out to get coffee with people who are close to me makes me heart happy. If we happen to come across good food, drinks, and music, even better. Depending on the day, my hobbies range from a nice, long nap session to hiking in the mountains, and everything in between.

    This place is very special to me because of how much help I received while I was an undergrad here. For instance, I received my very first massage ever here at the SHAC, so I wanted to come back and be a part of this community once again. When I got hired, I saw that the culture here continues to be kind and welcoming. I love my job, so I truly appreciate that everyone here tries their best to create a healthy work environment. This is an awesome place, and I'm very happy to be a part of this team..