Prescriptions: New & Refills

Filling a New Prescription

A SHAC Pharmacist reaches for a pill bottle from a shelf.We can fill prescriptions for students, faculty and staff. We accept orders from our SHAC providers in addition to outside providers. Your provider may fax, phone or electronically prescribe the prescriptions to us, or you may bring the prescription to the Pharmacy (SHAC Plaza Level).


Call or e-mail refill requests as far in advance as possible — allowing 24 hours is best. This allows the pharmacist time to check with your health provider if necessary.

Refills by Phone: (505) 277-6306

The Pharmacy has interactive voice mail available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to take your refill requests or to leave messages. If you leave a voice mail message, please leave complete information, i.e., name, date of birth, Rx number (or the name of the medication), and a telephone number where we can reach you.

Refills by E-mail:

SHAC Pharmacist hands a prescription to a patient.Electronic mail is not a secure medium of communication. Please do not e-mail confidential information. We recommend that you only include the following information in your e-mail request:

  1. Your name
  2. Date of birth

If you need to give us personal information, call (505) 277-6306. If it's after hours, you can leave a voice mail message.

See also: Prescription Transfers


Parking is available behind the SHAC building and parking validation is available in the Pharmacy.