Student to Student - Graduation and Get Ready for Summer
April 21, 2022 - Chris Naranjo
Hey Lobos!
It has been a while since I last wrote to you all, I hope everyone is doing amazing and making it through this semester. I am so excited that we have finally hit a point of familiarity, like we made it through the worst of a pandemic and are still persevering to make our dreams come true. It truly is something to be proud of.
With that being said, I want to send a huge shoutout to the graduates who spent the last parts of their studies in a totally unexpected situation. You did it, despite all the obstacles and for that a huge KUDOS! I also want to send a thank you to all the professors, staff, and faculty for keeping up the hard work so we could still get a quality education. Without all of your dedication, things would have been much different! Another thank you to all of the amazing doctors, nurses, public health professionals, and other healthcare professionals for all of your efforts towards ending the pandemic and keeping everyone safe and healthy.
With the first “normal” summer coming up, I want to send a few reminders to everyone: be sure to wear sunscreen, apply ChapStick, and get some sunshine! After being reclused for so long, I am so excited to be able to go out and enjoy myself without being worried about getting sick or getting someone else sick. With that being said, COVID still isn’t completely gone; so if you are sick (even with just a cold), stay home and get tested--be courteous.
For myself, I am most eager to spend my free time out in the mountains surrounded by great friends. I find myself constantly wishing we had a beach within a drivable distance, but since we don’t, I plan to have a few lake days. If you all have any suggestions, I would love to hear them! With that being said Lobos, I want to wish everyone a very safe and a very fun summer! But before that, let's finish off this semester strong and get er’ done!
As always,
Stay safe, stay healthy, and be kind to one another!
--Chris, SHAC Health Promotion